Monday, March 15, 2010

Islands of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

PM, originally uploaded by islandfella.

Petit St. Vincent, known locally as PSV, is an island 40 statute miles (60 km) south of St. Vincent in the Grenadine islands. It consists of softly rolling hills spread over 113 acres (46 ha) surrounded mostly by two miles (3 km) of white sand beaches.
The island is privately owned. In the 1960s, friends Hazen Richardson and Douglas Terman discovered the island while sailing, and conceived the idea of making it an exclusive resort. Richardson oversaw the construction of the resort and operated it for 40 years; Terman went on to become a novelist.
PSV consists of 22 cottages and a central dining room, with staff housing and other support structures. It is a resort for a particular kind of person; the cottages are not air-conditioned, and have neither televisions nor telephones. However, the food, service, and other amenities are of a very high quality. Guests can take all meals in their cottages, and are otherwise guaranteed total privacy should they wish it.
Owner Haze Richardson died in a swimming accident in Costa Rica on Saturday February 2, 2008. His wife, Lynn Richardson, plans to continue managing the resort.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
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