Saturday, May 30, 2009


Vernazza, originally uploaded by Digitaler Lumpensammler.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vernazza is a town and commune located in the province of La Spezia, Liguria, northwestern Italy. It is one of the five towns in the Cinque Terre region.
Vernazza is the fourth town heading north into the Cinque Terre. It has no car traffic (a road leads into a parking lot on the edge of the town) and remains one of the truest "fishing villages" on the Italian Riviera.

Main sights
Church of Santa Margherita d'Antiochia, begun in 1318. It has a nave and two aisles with an octagonal bell tower rising from the apse area.
Doria Castle
Shrine of Santuario di Nostra Signora di Reggio, about a half hour's steep walk above Vernazza. The wide path that leads up to the shrine is punctuated with the Stations of the Cross. Around the shrine is a large shady open area, expansive views of the water below, as well as the hillside vineyards, and various statues of Mary and Joseph.
The Beach in the protected harbor on the northwestern side.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



They fly through the air

They fly through the air

Air Iceland, which is a part of Icelandair Group, is a dynamic company with firm roots that go back to the start of aviation in Iceland. Air Iceland is a flexible yet powerful airline servicing the West Nordic countries.

The head office of Air Iceland is located in the capital, Reykjavík, but the company's registered domicile is in Akureyri, the main town in north Iceland. Both Reykjavík Airport and Akureyri Airport serve as hubs for Air Iceland's route network.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



Monday, May 25, 2009

η Αμαλια εφυγε πριν 2 χρονια τι αλλαξε; ΤΙΠΟΤΑ!

Πριν δυο χρονια ειμασταν πολλοι!!
Περυσι ειμασταν λιγοι!
Φετος ειμαστε ελαχιστοι!

και φυσικα η κατασταση στην Υγεια καθολου δεν αλλαξε!

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



Sunday, May 24, 2009

Islas Canarias, Canary Islands

CANARIAS TIMELAPSE from luis garcia de armas on Vimeo.

Advance of documentary CANARIAS TIMELAPSE, produced by Kroma Canarias & LASAL.

It shows the 7 Canary Islands from the point of view of the time, with slow and fast motion , throughout an entire year.

Completely shotted in High Definition and 35 mm DSLR cameras, using timelapse and overcranking modes.

Dirección/ Director: Luis García de Armas

Producción/producer: Antonio de Nascimento

Música/music: Antonio Hernández

Cámara/cameraman: Humberto Mesa

estrenado/released en:

S/C DE TENERIFE: Día 22 de Abril en los multicines Renoir-Price

LAS PALMAS DE G/C: Día 23 de Abril en los multicines Monopol

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler


Thursday, May 21, 2009

65 years old, climbs to Everest summit

Fiennes climbs to Everest summit

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hidden Paradise, Tsivlos Lake, Peloponissos, Greece

Hidden Paradise, originally uploaded by maksid.

Tsivlos (Greek: Τσιβλός) is a small settlement in the municipality of AkrataAchaia prefecture, Greece. As of 2001, it had a population of 40. It is built on the slopes of Mount Chelmos (Aroania).

Tsivlos is located 20 km southwest of Akrata, northeast of Kalavryta, about 90 to 95 km east-southeast of Patras and about 50 to 60 km southeast of Aigio.

The village has about 4 km of paved road and about 10 to 12 km of gravel road. It has about 6 to 8 km of hydro lines, and about 3 km of phone lines.

Its surroundings consist mainly of forests and grasslands, where the forest covers much of the area, surrounding the lake, with barren land in the higher elevations. There are also several, mostly abandoned, farms in the village..

The village today

Tsivlos today features a few homes and a restaurant. There is also an environmentally-friendly electrical generator. The area is featured for many recreational activities including camping. Tsivlos has a school for the entire municipal district, a church, a post office, and a square (plateia). Its nearest gymnasium (middle school) and lyceum (secondary school) are in Dafni.

Tsivlos was mentioned as the settlement of Civlò by the census of the Venetian Francesco Grimani in 1700 and had 33 families and 148 inhbitants. Tsivlos was ruled by the OttomanTurks with the exception from 1681 until 1715 with the last of the Venetian rule, it became a part of Greece after the Greek War of Independence.

The area is generally characterized with the inconsistency of the ground. Since 1912, Tsivlos constituted a part of the municipality of Nonakrida. It is one of the few villages in the prefecture that retained its name. On Sunday March 241912, a large volume of rocks and soil fell from a nearby mountain of Gerakari which devastated the village of Sylivaina and fell into the Krathis river. 

The river water flooded into a large part of Tsivlos, creating a lake with a depth of 80 m and an area of around 200 hectares. The inhabitants of the two villages had relocated two days before the disaster due to a small space and sinkage. Their residents moved to Tragano (Neos Erineos), SyliveniotikaKamares,Rododafni (Mourla), and they received properties from the government.

After World War II and the Greek Civil War, its buildings were rebuilt and emigration occurred at a higher rate until 1981 through to 1991, when the population decreased by 40%, but later recovered between the years of 1991-2001. Mesorrougi became connected with asphalt in the 1960s. More pavement was available in the late 20th century. Electricity, radio and automobiles were introduced in the mid-20th century, television in the late-20th century and computer and internet at the turn of the millennium. In the late-1990s, the ex-community (now a village) joined to become the newly formed municipality of Akrata. 

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, was written by Isaak Walton in 1653 as a guide to the art of fly-fishing, but in so doing it paints a reflective picture of rural England that extols the pleasure of country life, and in particular, life on the river.

Our guide takes its inspiration from Walton and takes the discerning visitor to the heart of the River Thames as it flows from the elegance of Oxford to the majesty of Richmond-Upon-Thames.

Let us help you explore one of the most beautiful parts of England that has inspired poets, writers and painters for many centuries.
Today the river meanders through some of the most beautiful and culturally rich landscapes of Britain. Away from the frantic activities of everyday life the peaceful edges of the river guard their timeless secrets.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



Κuwait - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette

Facts and Statistics
Location: Middle East, bordering the Persian Gulf, between Iraq and Saudi Arabia
Capital: Kuwait City
Population: 2,257,549  including 1,291,354 non-nationals (July 2004 est.)
Ethnic Make-up: Kuwaiti 45%, other Arab 35%, South Asian 9%, Iranian 4%, other 7%
Muslim 85% (Sunni 70%, Shi'a 30%), Christian, Hindu, Parsi, and other 15%
Language in Kuwait
Arabic is the official language of Kuwait, but English is widely spoken. It is used in business and is a compulsory second language in schools. Among the non-Kuwaiti population, many people speak Farsi, the official language of Iran, or Urdu, the official language of Pakistan.
Arabic is spoken by almost 200 million people in more than 22 countries. It is the language of the Qur'an, the Holy Book of Islam, and of Arab poetry and literature. While spoken Arabic varies from country to country, classical Arabic has remained unchanged for centuries. In Kuwait, there are differences between the dialects spoken in urban areas and those spoken in rural areas.
Kuwaiti Society & Culture
Islam is practised by the majority of Kuwaitis and governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives. Islam emanated from what is today Saudi Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of God's emissaries (following in the footsteps of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc) to bring revelation to mankind. He was distinguished with bringing a message for the whole of mankind, rather than just to a certain peoples. As Moses brought the Torah and Jesus the Bible, Muhammad brought the last book, the Quran. The Quran and the actions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) are used as the basis for all guidance in the religion.
Among certain obligations for Muslims are to pray five times a day - at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening. The exact time is listed in the local newspaper each day. Friday is the Muslim holy day. Everything is closed. Many companies also close on Thursday, making the weekend Thursday and Friday.
During the holy month of Ramadan all Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk and are only permitted to work six hours per day. Fasting includes no eating, drinking, cigarette smoking, or gum chewing. Expatriates are not required to fast; however, they must not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum in public.
Each night at sunset, families and friends gather together to celebrate the breaking of the fast (iftar). The festivities often continue well into the night. In general, things happen more slowly during Ramadan. Many businesses operate on a reduced schedule. Shops may be open and closed at unusual times.
Although over 95% of the population are Muslim, Kuwait is known for its religious tolerance. The three Churches are allowed to practice freely. Kuwait is the only Gulf Country to establish relations with the Vatican.
Family Values
. The extended family is the basis of the social structure and individual identity. It includes the nuclear family, immediate relatives, distant relatives, tribe members, friends, and neighbours.
. Nepotism is viewed positively, since it guarantees hiring people who can be trusted, which is crucial in a country where working with people one knows and trusts is of primary importance.
. The family is private. Female relatives are protected from outside influences. It is considered inappropriate to ask questions about a Kuwaiti's wife or other female relatives.
Naming Conventions
. The first name is the personal name and used as we would use ours.
. The second name is the father's personal name. It is used with the connector "al- ".
. The third and fourth names are the grandfather's personal name and a name that denotes the family lineage. Both names generally start with the prefix "al-".
. The name of Suleyman Al-Ahmed Al- Mustafa Al-Sabah means Suleyman, son of Ahmed, grandson of Mustafa of the Sabah family/tribe.
. Women do not take the husband's name upon marriage.
Gift Giving Etiquette
. Extended family or very close friends may exchange gifts for birthdays, Ramadan, Eid, Hajj and other celebratory occasions.
. If you are invited to a Kuwaiti home, bring a houseplant, box of imported chocolates, or a small gift from your home country.
. If a man must give a gift to a woman, he should say that it is from his wife, mother, sister, or some other female relative.
. Do not give alcohol unless you know for sure he/she partakes.
. Gifts are not opened when received.
Dining Etiquette
. Kuwaitis socialize in their homes, restaurants, or international hotels.
. If both sexes are included, they may be entertained in separate rooms, although this is not always the case.
When going to a Kuwaitis house:
. Check to see if the host is wearing shoes. If not, remove yours at the door.
. Dress conservatively.
. Show respect for the elders by greeting them first.
. Accept any offer of food or drink. To turn down hospitality is to reject the person.
. If you are invited for a meal, there is often a great deal of socializing and small talk before the meal, and the evening comes to an end quickly after the meal.
Watch your table manners!
. Eat only with the right hand.
. Meals are generally served family-style. Guests are served first. Then the oldest, continuing in some rough approximation of age order until the youngest is served.
. Honoured guests are often offered the most prized pieces or delicacies such as the sheep's head - so be prepared!
. Hospitality and generosity dictate showering guests with abundance. Comment on this.
. Leave some food on your plate when you have finished eating otherwise they will fill it with more.
. When the host stands, the meal is over.

Business Etiquette and Protocol in Kuwait
Relationships & Communication
. Since Kuwaitis prefer to do business with those with whom they have a personal relationship, they spend a great deal of time on the getting-to-know-you process.
. You must be patient since impatience is viewed as criticism of the culture.
. Kuwaitis judge on appearances so dress and present yourself well.
. They respect education, so carefully mention if you have an advanced degree, especially if it is from a prestigious university.
Business Meeting Etiquette
. Try to schedule meetings in the morning when meeting with government officials, since they are restricted to a 6-hour day.
. Many businessmen prefer to meet in the early evening.
. Do not try to schedule meetings in July and August as many Kuwaitis leave the country during the worst of the summer heat.
. Meetings may be interrupted if they interfere with prayer times.
. Meetings are generally not private unless there is a need to discuss matters confidentially.
. Expect frequent interruptions. Others may wander into the room and start a different discussion. You may join in, but do not try to bring the topic back to the original discussion until the new person leaves.
Business Negotiating
. Business will only be discussed once an atmosphere of trust and friendship has been established.
. Kuwaitis are event rather than time-driven. The event of getting together is more important than the timeliness of the meeting or the outcome.
. Kuwait is a hierarchical society. Many companies are structured around the family. Decisions usually come from the top after determining a consensus of the various stakeholders.
. Decisions are reached slowly. If you try to rush things, you will give offence and risk your business relationship.
. Kuwaitis are shrewd negotiators who are especially interested in price.
. Do not use high-pressure sales tactics. They will work against you.
. Repeating your main points indicates you are telling the truth.
. There is a tendency to avoid giving bad news and to give flowery acceptances, which may only mean "perhaps".
. Problems may be discussed outside the meeting in a one-on-one situation rather than in the group meeting room.
. If you change the lead negotiator, negotiations will need to start over.
. Proposals and contracts should be kept simple.
. Although negotiating is done in English, contracts are written in Arabic. If there is both an English and Arabic version, the Arabic will be the one followed.
Dress Etiquette
. Business attire is conservative.
. Men should wear lightweight, good quality, conservative suits, at least to the initial meeting.
. Women should avoid giving offence and refrain from wearing revealing or tight fitting clothing. Although they do not need to wear skirts that reach the ground, skirts should cover the knee and sleeves should cover the elbow and fasten at the neck.
. Titles are important. Use the honorific "Mister" and any academic or political title and the first name.
. Do not use only the first name until expressly invited to drop the titles.
. The title "Sheikh" denotes that someone is a member of the royal family. It is also used for old men.
Business Cards
. Business cards are given to everyone you meet.
. Have one side of your card translated into Arabic. Be sure to check the translation carefully as there is often confusion with the order of western names.
Useful Information and Links about Kuwait
Currency - the currency of Kuwait is known as the Dinar. Use the free 
currency converter to compare to dollars, GBP or Euro.
Weather - visit Yahoo!'s up to date 
Weather for Kuwait.
Translation Services - do you need an 
Arabic Translation Service?
News - check out all the latest 
Google news on Kuwait.
Intercultural Know-how - use the 
Intercultural Business Communication tool for tips on doing business in Kuwait.
Dialling Code - the international dialling code for Kuwait is +965.
Time - Bahrain is +3 hours GMT.
Hotels - 
Hotels in Kuwait.
History - read about the long and rich history of Kuwait

."A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thermaic Gulf - Thessaloniki - Greece

As viewed from Chortiatis mountain...

This shot is not processed... It was a really cloudy afternoon... the sun although high could not be seen hidden behind the clouds... still powerful though to provide this lovely color...

The Thermaic Gulf (Greek: Θερμαϊκός Κόλπος) is a gulf of the Aegean Sea located immediately south of Thessaloniki, east of Pieria and Imathia, and west of Chalkidiki (prefectures of Greece). It was named after the ancient town of Therma, which was situated on the coast along the gulf (Therma was later renamed Thessalonica; therma in greek means "hot"). The length is about 100 km and the width is 5 km near Thessaloniki, about 15 km to the north and as far as about 50 km to the south. (Source

Monday, May 18, 2009

Prague Castle - Pražský hrad

Prague Castle - Pražský hrad, originally uploaded by liber.
Prague Castle (Czech: Pražský hrad) is a castle in Prague where the Czech kings, Holy Roman Emperors and presidents of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic have had their offices.

The Czech Crown Jewels are kept here.

Prague Castle is one of the biggest castles in the world (according to Guinness Book of Records the biggest ancient castle ) at about 570 meters in length and an average of about 130 meters wide.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



River Thames

River Thames, originally uploaded by P•A•U•L.
The River Thames is famous throughout the world for its history, its culture and its amazing variety of wildlife, archaeology and scenery.
If you ask a Londoner what is the City's greatest asset or the thousands of boaters in cruisers up and down the length of the river, they will come up with a myriad of reasons why a day on or near the Thames is a great experience.

The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom and the longest river entirely in England, rising at Thames Head in Gloucestershire, and flowing into the North Sea at the Thames Estuary. It has a special significance in flowing through London, the capital of the United Kingdom, although London only touches a short part of its course. The river is tidal in London with a rise and fall of 7 metres (23 ft) and becomes non-tidal at Teddington Lock. The catchment area covers a large part of South Eastern and Western England and the river is fed by over 20 tributaries. The river contains over 80 islands, and having both seawater and freshwater stretches supports a variety of wildlife.
The river has supported human activity from its source to its mouth for thousands of years providing habitation, water power, food and drink. It has also acted as a major highway both for international trade through the Port of London, and internally along its length and connecting to the British canal system. The river’s strategic position has seen it at the centre of many events and fashions in British history, earning it a description by John Burns as “Liquid History”. It has been a physical and political boundary over the centuries and generated a range of river crossings. In more recent time the river has become a major leisure area supporting tourism and pleasure outings as well as the sports of rowing, sailing, skiffing, kayaking, and punting. The river has had a special appeal to writers, artists, musicians and film-makers and is well represented in the arts. It is still the subject of various debates about its course, nomenclature and history.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



Palma Cathedral and the Parc de la mar, Mallorca, Balearic Islands,

Parc de La Mar i La Seu, originally uploaded by fullos.
La Seu is a cathedral located in Palma de MallorcaSpain, built on the site of an existing Arab mosque. It is 121 metres long, 55 metres wide and 44 meters of nave height. Designed in Spanish "levantino" Gothic style with influences of the North European gothic, it was founded by King James I of Aragon in 1229 but finished only in 1601. It sits overlooking the Parc de la Mar and the Mediterranean Sea, protected by the old town walls. There are currently peregrines nesting high up on the east side of the cathedral which fly around the building preying on swifts and rock pigeons.
Fifty years after a restoration of the Cathedral had started, Antoni Gaudí was invited in 1901 to take over the project. While some of his ideas were adopted - moving the choir stalls from the middle nave to be closer to the altar, as well as a largecanopy - Gaudí abandoned his work in 1914 after an argument with the contractor. The project was cancelled soon after.Floor plan of La Seu

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler




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