From Times Online
November 7, 2008
Susan d'Arcy spent a night in a revolving museum exhibit, the Guggenheim's one-room hotel.
November 7, 2008
Susan d'Arcy spent a night in a revolving museum exhibit, the Guggenheim's one-room hotel.
Plus, five more museums you can sleep in weekend, I kicked the mayor of New York out of bed. I’m not name-dropping (though Michael Bloomberg is a billionaire) and I’m not bragging (he’s getting to an age where his eye might linger over a Stannah stairlift ad) but I was making an exhibiton of myself - literally.
Mr Bloomberg had wanted to have the second sleepover at the city’s prestigious Guggenheim Museum ......
A Parisienne eyeful: The Hotel Everland is a capsule-hotel-cum-art-installation on the rooftop of the Palais de Tokyo, the 16th arrondissement’s trendy contemporary arts centre. It has Sixties-inspired decor (check out the vinyl records) and sparkling views over the Eiffel Tower and the Seine. Contact: the hotel costs from £263, B&B, until spring 2009.
Steamy nights: it may surprise you to learn that the world’s largest rainforest is in Germany - the largest indoor one that is. Tropical Islands, a 50-minute train ride from Berlin, is a vast botanical theme park that allows you to sleep in its tropical jungle. Contact: 00 49 35477 60 50 50, 00 49 35477 6050 50, tents from £18.50pp including bed linen.
Flight of fancy: sleep under the wings of a plane at the Canada Aviation Museum after exploring its collection by flashlight and taking the controls of a Cessna 150 - if you can prize Competitive Dad’s fingers from the steering wheel. Contact: 00 613 993 4274, as it is primarily aimed at groups of children, the minimum fee is £220, bring your own Biggles goggles.
The ultimate wild night: for a “zoopreme” experience, Wellington Zoo offers after-hours tours where guests see lions, chimps and pandas and a very unusual wake-up call - a visit from some of the park’s “friendly contact animals”. Contact: 00 64 389 3692, from £16.50pp, B&B.
A night with the stars: London’s Science Museum has Stars and Space sleepovers with hands-on workshops and an IMAX 3D film before bedding down between the exhibits. Contact: 0207 942 4777, a stay costs £30pp, B&B, with a minimum of five children (aged between eight and 11) and one adult.
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler

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