Saturday, May 16, 2009

Rebetika Songs, Greek traditional urban Blues

Jiannis Loulourgas is a luthier, bouzouki player and singer from the village of Pythagorio on the island of Samos in Greece. I first met him in 1999 and since then we became friends. I have spent many many hours listening to his music and talking with him on his ideas about life and politics. This presentation is about his music, his shop, his performances in taverns in the harbour and the beautiful village of  Pythagorio.

In spring of 2008 Jiannis finished a new CD. The album is called "Rebetika Tragoudia" (Rebetika Songs) and contains 12 masterful interpretations of traditional rebetic songs. On some of the songs his daughter Maria joins him in singing. The CD is available only locally in shops in Pythagorio on Samos island.
You like the music of Jiannis? You can experience Jiannis playing his music "live" 3-4 times a week during the season in the village of Pythagorio! Depicted in this presentation are some musicians who play(ed) together with Jiannis in Pythagorio (during the past years).
Interested in buying a handcrafted extremely good sounding instrument? Visit his shop "Pythagorios" in Pythagorio and see how he makes his bouzoukis, tsouras and baglamas!

Come and spend your vacations on the beautiful island of Samos in Greece.

"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -- Lao Tzu
Copyright © Demetrios the Traveler



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